
Thursday, November 25, 2010

How Was Your Thanksgiving?

Hello. How was your Thanksgiving? Wonderful! Me too. Did you have pie? How nice! Did you almost puke from all the food you ate? Splendid! Did you become 88 years old because the pumpkin pie had Extreme Si defects? The same! Did your pink brain instantly rot and turn green? Did your cousin rip your hair out so that now there is a giant bald spot in the back of your head? Why delightful! Did you eat turkey and raspberry cake? This is great! Did your lover purpose? No, me neither! Did your mum sweep you off the couch and make you cough up the potato chips? That didn't happen to you?... not me! Did you kill a chicken for dinner? No! I buy mine... oh you too?... wonderful! So, you tell me: How was your Thanksgiving?!

Koomba Boom,

Tabitha Emily Anderson ( W.)

Saturday, November 13, 2010

The Cream Farm (movie) !!!

Welcome to this inside look at, The Cream Farm. Coming to hit theaters soon. It is based on Tab Anderson's cream farm that she built in her sandbox outside. The movie is about a guy named, Deuce, and he wants his cream to grew, but then he learns a valuable lesson: If you don't watch your actions, you won't get rewards. He then realizes that he has been doing bad things like picking Mrs. Lint's cherries and then lying about the junk. He realizes he must conquer the world to get his cream to grew, and it so happens that he is able to eat ible and conquer the world and his cream grows, but then there is an emotional part: His ible rots and he doesn't have anything to eat, so he dies and leaves his cream behind. Then a girl named, Soom, moves into his giant mansion and finds the cream farm. She soon conquers the world and lives on a life of hope and hopping squirrels.

Koomba Boom,

P.S. Real movie

Friday, November 12, 2010

Hey Lovers

Hey lovers in the soggy world. Would you like a bowl of cereal or would you rather cut of a ribbon of maneur at Uncle Teddy's farm? Alright then... here's the cereal. Be careful though, Pa got the milk from the diseased cow named, Lim, and the milk is not cleasned. It's Bettsy's turn to catch the fog this mornin'. She catches the fog every Tuesday and Thursady. Yep...... that ought to get her done! Serves you right Bettsy! Fetching Poisoonise berries! That is no way to earn yourself roasted pig bones for dinner! In fact, you almost killed your own brother with those poisoness berries! You know better! Now! Get the whip and catch the fog! Pa already is waiting for you with the spit bowl outside. Um excuse me. Yes. What is the fog? Oh the fog! It is a label for postage on American bundle cards for old wheat that belongs to the dead. Huh? It is a label for postage on American bundle cards for old wheat----- NO! I didn't want you to repeat it Ma! That ought to get you mouth done, boy! Go stand in the corner boy! I'll order the slave to hand me the whip for your old ears to be punished for! Serves you right boy! I don't care if your just staying in town with us a few days, for every poisoness blueberry pie, you get a spanking!

Koomba Boom,
P.S. Come home with the mozzeralla cheese, Homer! I want to make it for dinner!
P.S.S. This is just made up story from Tab's noodly brain!

Sunday, November 7, 2010

garbage folks

sorry that i havent posted in a long time folks. ive been taking out the garbage if you know what i mean...hmm?

Friday, September 10, 2010


I am in 4th grade. How 'bout you? No... okay then. I like them slick anyway.
Nicks are always chewing on my ears lately. I have met up with Agent 602 and it was
not pleasant when I walked in the room. My account on Blabber Me Jibbers is shut down
so you can no longer reach 555 information that I put on there from HQ.
I smell like a full skunk. I feel Krust 907!

Koomba Boom,


Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Dirty Garabage Cans

Have you ever passed a stupid garabage can that smells like mashed fly guts? Well I have and Ill tell you this I had a desiese from it and had to fill out stinkin forms looking like this:

Name: Jambaboom

Koomba Boom,


Wednesday, August 11, 2010


What has it done to me?
To Wonder about my Wear?
Does it amuse you the I have a pear?
Or should I stick to Wondering about my Wear?
When was the last time you shaved?
When was the last time you checked your wonder wear?
Maybe you should check now when I'm eating my pear?
And then I will wonder about my WEAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Koomba Boom,

Tab <-<-<-<->->->->

Monday, August 9, 2010


Guy: " Hello. How do I tell the girl of my dreams that I love her?"

Hippi in the Park: " Whoa , whoa, whoa! Calm down man, just tell her how you feel..."

Guy: " Okay bye"

Hippi: " Peace Out"


Saturday, July 24, 2010


I haven't seen ya'll in a while. I've been doin my own buisness. Hope ya'll have fun? Really, that sounds stranger then pigs in the house! Farwell!

Koomba Boom,

Tab <-<-<-<->->->->

Monday, July 19, 2010

Dopes on the Street

Have you seen dopes lately? Were they on the street? Oh if not, IT DOES NOT COUNT FOR
Dopes on the Street.

Komba Boom,

Tab <-<-<-<->->->->

Saturday, July 17, 2010


Sasha Kitty

Yesterday evening, me and my dad and my cat Sasha, were outside. But then someone was walking their dog and the dog tried to charge at Sasha. Sasha ran by my porch steps, and then hist and she looked like a halloween cat with the polky tail and big eyes and sharp lightning teeth.
Sasha then ran under our little pine tree and didn't come out till this morning. :() :)

-Tab <-<-<-<->->->->

Friday, July 16, 2010

Rodeo Barf

Last night my family went to the Nephi Rodeo. I was feeling sick, and then I had a drink and I felt better, but about 1 1/2 hours later, I felt worse then ever. I tried to lay down but that didn't help very much, and I barfed up some junk in an emty bubble gum bag. Then my mom took me to the car since the Rodeo was almost finished anyway. Then when it was done, The rest of my family came to the car and we went home and to bed.

-Tab <-<-<-<->->->->

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Soggy Soccer

Don't forget to watch Soggy Soccer on channel 9 you get a great view of monsters sweating in pain as they wrestle the other team when the enemies score. ->Soggy Soccer is the Soggiest Soup Slide Soccer Sail.
Never mind the kitten. He is just bitten to pieces by a hobo on the French Team. You can be nice to the hobo and give him a sandwhich, even though, he ate your BF on the Spanish Team.

I think hobos' would enjoy a tuna or ham and cheese sandwhich.

-Tab <-<-<-<->->->->

Wednesday, July 14, 2010


This morning I was cleaning my room and I found a dry cheeseball. I had no idea how it got there but I remembered the hairy monster that lives under my bed likes cheese. I also remembered that yesterday the hairy monster snuck out of our house and went to the store and bought 5 pounds of cheese with my moms credit card, and he damaged our car. Now I realize that there are cheeseballs all over under my bed.
*I better make sure I vacuum soon before they turn into crusty, hairy, cheesy, monsters!*

-Tab @-->

Key: ( "@--->" is a rose sideways)

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Harry Potter

is suppose to be a dashing wizard. Everyone else is good looking, what happend to him? No offense to the soggy head. Anyway, last night i woke up at like 3:00 a.m. and my bedroom was greenish, so i looked out my window, and it was because the sun was shinning alittle mixing with the dark.

-Tab ( a wonderful scientist)

Monday, July 12, 2010

Billy:"Hello. It is getting late, Sherlock, anymore tea? I will make some more."

Sherlock: "Must you? Or must you not? You never need to make more, when your name is SHERLOCK!"

Billy: " Understood."


I am your hero

Come to me if you have issues. Come come! I love being a hero!


Hello Foes!

Hello foes! How are you this fine day? I just got back from my trip to Mt. Rushmore! We went to Idaho, Wyoming, Montana, and South Dakota! We saw 3 wolves, 6 moose, deer, elk, bears, cows, and buffalo!
I am happy.
