
Saturday, November 13, 2010

The Cream Farm (movie) !!!

Welcome to this inside look at, The Cream Farm. Coming to hit theaters soon. It is based on Tab Anderson's cream farm that she built in her sandbox outside. The movie is about a guy named, Deuce, and he wants his cream to grew, but then he learns a valuable lesson: If you don't watch your actions, you won't get rewards. He then realizes that he has been doing bad things like picking Mrs. Lint's cherries and then lying about the junk. He realizes he must conquer the world to get his cream to grew, and it so happens that he is able to eat ible and conquer the world and his cream grows, but then there is an emotional part: His ible rots and he doesn't have anything to eat, so he dies and leaves his cream behind. Then a girl named, Soom, moves into his giant mansion and finds the cream farm. She soon conquers the world and lives on a life of hope and hopping squirrels.

Koomba Boom,

P.S. Real movie

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